Madden players are worried about whether there will be a bad solo game in Madden 22

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MUT players have encountered problems using this mode all year round, which brings worries to the future of the game. Madden 21 has many well-documented issues. Because EA is exclusive to the football world, EA is unscathed. Franchisees don’t really care about the problems in Ultimate Team, and players can continue to spend MUT Coins to make their lineup stronger, especially those new players who don’t care about the outdated franchise model.

The ultimate team can thrive and survive because there is a viable way for players who don’t spend money on packaging to form a team and compete with players who will invest more money in the game. The best way to provide players with generous rewards in the game is solo campaigns. Those that reach “Legend” score within the week of play receive 44,500 coins, 60 trophies, two hail mary packs, two midfield packs, and two redzone packs. That’s another 70,000 coins if you take the quicksells, and more still if you just turn those trophies into packs.

That’s a nice weekly income, the equivalent roughly of one 120,000 MUT 21 Coins pack, which will set you back about $12. Doesn’t sound like a lot, but over the months of playing MUT, that’s an enormous chunk of change. The issue is that throughout Madden 21 Solo Battles has been blighted with problems. From being gated right at the start of the year to constant disconnection issues, incorrect rewards, and even days going missing from the challenge. As a result, players that aren’t spending money are falling behind faster than ever before in MUT, and it is starting to drive players away from the game mode.

The worry for players, is if this trend is just a problem with Madden 21 or something that is intentional and will only get worse in Madden 22. And if they do, they simply may just remove the ability to solo grind from the game entirely. There is an entire section of the MUT community that doesn’t enjoy the endless money plays and meta cheese of the H2H Seasons and Weekend League. They rely on Solo Battles to afford one of the latest cards or their next theme team upgrade. They can also Buy more Cheap Madden 21 Coins at GameMS to try their best to improve their status in solo combat.
