That raiding is cheap wow classic gold

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Are you really arguing that raiding is cheap wow classic gold made by farming raid consumables for hours ? The raid is the part that is challenging. Like Tea says, people with time may create WoW Classic Gold from selling to those who need to buy tokens and don't have time. It's pretty straightforward. Having a couple of people wearing BoE's, and oh they bought with WoW Classic Gold won't'destroy' the game. Raider's will still have exclusive access to the majority of the greatest items.

This is the nature of the beast. It would be nice to play with people around the world. But if we start begging Activision for changes...The problem is that Activision has shown that they can not be trusted to make good decisions regarding new game content. And what makes it worse is that Activision still believes that many of these modifications are great; regardless of how they have screwed up the match and lowered subscriptions from over ten million to probably over two million.

They do not know what's great for elysium project gold gamers. The first Blizzard team did; but Activision simply does not.If Activision ever listens to readers requesting"quality of life changes", the moment they accept a single change, they will start to accept other people. Believe me, even if you give one inch to them, they'll take a mile. And the game will be completely ruined right away. For example, permitting players to play with folks from other countries will not Effect game mechanics. As I said above, they don't understand how to make decisions that are great.
