I were questing in wow classic gold

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Husband and I were questing in wow classic gold Un'Goro Crater. He was a undead rogue, me an undead warlock.

Just found your station and loving it. Husband and I were questing in wow classic gold Un'Goro Crater. He was a undead rogue, me an undead warlock. Another undead rogue comes up to us in /state inquires,"Hey, how did you get two daggers?" Come to find out this guy had leveled all the way to 55 without going to the rogue trainer. Ever. So this man had made it to level 55 using one dagger, automobile attacks, rank 1 eviscerate, position 1 black strike, and cannibalize. Dude did not even know how to talk in chat, trade items, or set up. That's how you know a game is great, when someone manages to make it far with a super limited toolbox. We got him sorted out, but man, what dedication. That's the kind of game vanilla WoW.

For whatever reasons (I really could give a few), after AQ launches, the appeal on private servers seem to diminish, however on official WoW Classic there'll be streamers and communities which would probably keep the momentum comparatively high.

It's my expectation at this time, most people will realize the areas of vanilla and how it may be used as a formulation for even games that are elysium project nethergarde gold new and content, from many others or Blizzard. The initial method of enlarging Vanilla (BC) was possibly misguided, making incorrect presuppositions regarding what needed improving upon to'make the sport better'. A Vanilla 2 should perhaps be an entirely new 1-60 experience utilizing the same mechanics, level progression, etc. with a few changes to abilities, abilities, etc. in an entirely new universe, filled with fresh stunt puzzles, balanced PvP, and the like - using what's been learned since vanilla, while still keeping the character of what makes an MMORPG so great that Vanilla totally had.
