Even most PVM regions of Runescape3

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I have gone without seeing one other player once I used to play with that mess.

OSRS is good. As it was back in the day, Nonetheless, it isn't the same. It is close but it is not the same. It depends on ones preferences. Player count signifies fortnite and pubg are much better games than AAA games now. Can't endure them however.

I still prefer OSRS gold over Runescape3 sure. But there's still a lot I like/dislike about both.OSRS is not actually assume to be"what it had been back in the day" It's just the best thing we got after jagex completely ruined their match. It was something that felt more like runescape and authentic. It's not intended to be stuck in some sort of time loop.

Runescape3 is crap. OSRS is far superior. It is the runescape I recall it IS runescape. Runescape3 is so lifeless, 90 percent of the old school runescape accounts map is dead, minigames dead, Menaphos dead, pvp dead that which is dead empty, it actually feels like a bad single player game, I have gone without seeing one other player once I used to play with that mess.

Even most PVM regions of Runescape3 are dead and its just getting worse. Its gradually but surely losing the few faithful players it still has left, under CB 100 players in Runescape3 are a myth since it becomes literally no new players. Its a steaming heap of crap wracking and glittered over, and even then it looks terrible merely look how awful they made bandos, fighter chest etc etc..
