The next major character coming to Paladins: Champions of the Realm is Atlas

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Evil Mojo Games has revealed the next major character coming to Paladins: Champions of the Realm: Atlas.This has been a announcement built up over the past few months as Evil Mojo Games has teased it as part of their lore campaign. Part of it was through in-game hints such as portols in the Shattered Desert map that were, “radiating with otherworldly power.” Atlas, known as the Man out of Time, is from the future, a son of a legendary Judge.

The Hunt initiative is doing its work well eliminating an abundance of bugs, both Champion specific and General, but a moment must be shared for the elimination of the Pip bug which affected his Potion. Support mains (myself included) can now breathe a big sigh of relief.Evil Mojo have also taken the liberty and rewritten the code that runs the pre-game match lobby, fixing a lot of long-standing bugs, such as being unable to select Champions, or Champions being greyed out. Hooray for progress. The patch notes hold the full list of bug fixes and balance changes, which are substantial, but for now, let’s get to the fun stuff. If you are in lack of Paladins Crystals, visit our, a reliable and cheap online in-game currency store.

The End Times event continues — despite the appearance of Atlas, there is still a tear in reality. Right now there is a new reward in the form of "Rewind, Atlas MVP", as well as three new available champions (Androxus – Neutral, Atlas – Paladins, and Vivian – Magistrate) and two new Omega Skin bundles — Omega Vivian and Omega Zhin. Beginning on April 3rd, a second new reward, Omega Imani, will arrive, as well as a third Omega Skin bundle, Omega Koga.

The backstory also ends with "End of the Future". The plot of the story is the Rocky Desert, which appeared as a new map in the last update as part of a special event game mode. Now, players in the Rocky Wastes themselves can witness Atlas' time manipulation.
