we've opted to RS gold create a new thread

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we've opted to RS gold create a new thread

Hello Forumists. After a discussion with my fellow Armadyleans, we've opted to RS gold create a new thread that will take place of the elderly"Gather followers of Armadyl 2" Thread. We wanted to create a more thread that was organized about Armadyl in general. We expect this thread will be a success exactly like the threads.

From the pursuit lord of vamp**ium Drakan cites that someone one of the Myreque killed Ascertes rather than him. He says somebody"one of your allies" or something like this, can't remember in the dialogue. Vanstrom being a human-born vampyre's body turned to ash or burst when he expired unlike Ranis or Drakan's bodies who remained intact since they had been pure-born vampyres. Remember, we were not the only person who killed Vanstrom. Vanescula and veliaf were involved in his killing and they fight with him during the Vanstrom boss fight. Hence"Your Allies"(Vanescula and Veliaf assisted you kill Vanstrom), seemingly Vansecula also rescued you from being murdered (In the story).

Vanstrom is infact additionally verified to be formerly human as well as centuries older (Which could mean being living during the same period as Ascertes). Unofficial runescape wiki quotation with resources (you may find it about the Vanstrom Klause page):"Vanstrom's origins are unknown, but he is thought to be centuries old. It's known that he's a vamp. Regardless, he rose high in vamp**ic society, having regular contact with Vanescula and buy runescape 3 gold Ranis Drakan, also became a well-known place in the Sanguinesti Region. "95% chance Vanstrom has been Ascertes.
