Was the worst sht ever of WoW Classic

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I enjoy games more when you have to figure out things for yourself. WoW Classic guides take away among the best aspects about games.

Never played Vanilla and never will - the most important thing for me in online games would be PvP class balance and Vanilla PvP course balance is/was the worst sht ever of WoW Classic and there's lot of competition in other wow classic gold exps therefore it is saying something. Not giving Blizzard a single cent after all the sht they managed to pull in last two years either.I hope it's something"your not playing Vanilla, your playing Classic".

I enjoy games more when you have to figure out things for yourself. WoW Classic guides take away among the best aspects about games.

So far as planning for Classic for buy wow gold northdale me goes, all I am really worried about is making sure I can find a fantastic gold gain for myself as well as creating a positive reputation on the host. In regards time fuss with a mount, but I'm going to take it easy and nice and simply explore and experience it all over again. It has really been far too long because

I got to see the old zones untouched, so admittedly I have stayed away from Personal Servers due to the chance of these being removed and that I have not heard of many US-based ones to get latency. I'm only looking forward to become the Portal-Mage that is friendly once more.
