In this post I'm mostly going to Runescape gold

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In this post I'm mostly going to Runescape gold talk about the Clan p2p facet of Runescape, as that is what I had been involved in.

In this post I'm mostly going to Runescape gold talk about the Clan p2p facet of Runescape, as that is what I had been involved in.

I played Runescape in the mid 00s lasted about five years from around 02-07. Within this time I found the most amazing collections of people, and was a part of their most unique community. I wasn't really about the pve material except to create huge sums of gold, to which I used to wage war with my clan members and proceed on pk excursions, and duel people. I'd like to have photos of my bank accounts in my old pc, which are long gone.

I played with the first Runescape up to 28, so I don't know what the Clan life was like on RSC, but moreover on Runescape 2.

I started away playng with school friends, where I would only level up in contest with my friends and wander around doing quests, which best place to buy rsgold was kinda fun, I purchased a membership along with the game really opened up into something I couldn't put down. Then 1 day I had been training my scope (my scope amount at the time was as large as my current level, around 80) in a black demon spot near edgeville if Chronic24 approached me and asked if I wished to Join a Clan called Clan Anarchy. I asked my friend killer3905 wtf a Clan was who these guys are, and he told me to combine as they had been in the time one of the best 10 warring clans in the game, and it would be a good experience to combine and get on pk excursions.
