3 Best Audio File Sharing And Uploading Website

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A college student like you has a very schedule with attending classes, doing part-time jobs, preparing for term-end exams, writing assignments, doing homework, and whatnot. File uploading and sharing websites come in handy when you want to share notes with your friends for virtual group study or send vital information to an essay typer service website writing an assignment for you. Though, not all websites offer the best write my assignment service. Here are the 3 best websites you can use.


  1.  Dropbox


Ask an essay typer to select a file uploading and sharing website for you; he will cast his vote to Dropbox. It is currently the most popular file-sharing website and some unique features.

  •  Can upload and share any media files
  •  Cloud storage space of 2 GB to 3 TB
  •  Provides data protection
  •  Available and usable on all operating systems platforms, including Android and iOS.

 You can access the features in both free and paid versions. The basic variant is free; you can access the plus and professional variant with a subscription fee ranging from 7.22 pounds to 12.28 pounds a month.


  1.  Mega


For sending documents or information to an Quick Assignment help service, you need privacy, and it is the feature that sets Mega apart from the other websites. Mega offers 100 percent data encryption. Its other features include:

  •  Storage and sharing space of up to 8 TB
  •  Access from multiple devices
  •  Available on iOS, Android, and Windows platforms

For 8 TB of storage and sharing space, the website bills 26.62 pounds a year and 200 GB, 4.43 a year.


However, you cannot access the website for personal use; it is exclusively developed for corporate companies and similar institutions. If your Dissertation Writing Company educational institution or the assignment service company has an account on Mega’s website, you can access sharing files with them.


  1.  Media Share


Media share is another massive file saving and uploading website that has been a market leader for some time now. The website boasts of some beautiful features:

  •  Can upload and share videos, audios, images, .doc files
  •  Once the website extension is added to the browser, you can send large files over email
  •  Works on Android, iOS, and Windows platforms

The basic version of the app is free. The Pro version comes at the cost of $3.75 a month, while the Business version bills $40 a year. This  Scholarship Essay Sample app is best to connect or share files with your essay typer to share large files.


Dropbox, Mega, and Media Share are the three best websites to upload and share audio files. Dropbox is the most popular; Media Share leads the market while Mega gives the best data encrypted sharing service. However, you cannot use Mega for personal use as it is sold exclusively for institutions.
