Pre-order bonuses are similarly bad for business

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Pre-order bonuses are similarly bad for business

Pre-order bonuses are similarly bad for business. They ultimately don't reward anyone but the retailer from which you buy the game. That's all it is, stores hoping to get you to pay in advance, because any moment where you haven't invested in their store increases the likelihood that you'll invest in a different store. When was the last time a pre-order bonus amounted to anything that was both truly exclusive and worthwhile? It's so rare, I can't even give an example personally. 

Season passes are a newer but now firmly entrenched strategy too. It wasn't enough for game companies to entice us to pre-order the games themselves. Now we are supposed to pre-order the DLC, sometimes long before we even know what is included. How many times have you seen a season pass advertised with something like "...and three more story expansions to be announced"? That much uncertainty sounds terrible, and yet it works. That's why it keeps happening. Rather appallingly, people don't often mind paying for content they know nothing about. Its continued existence is proof of its success. Just like loot boxes. Just like pre-orders. 

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