I am just a little confused RuneScape gold.

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So I'm not asserting anything , I am just a little confused RuneScape gold

So I'm not asserting anything , I am just a little confused RuneScape gold. . .But wait, I was told that Saradomin is an Individual God.... In a feeling of being a human prior to attaining Godhood....This appears strangely like a paradox, am I overlooking something, or?

All I have left for for the MQC is that the elite dungeons lore books.I have 2 questions I am hoping somebody can answer:1) Do I must find the Temple lore books before I will find the Dragonkin books? 2) Does the lore hound raise the chances for the elite dung books?Thanks!

Really easy question I ask today of this Lore Forum. Thousands?A few dozens?Millions?Infinite?For mention, I'm likely to telephone worlds as what Mod Jack described at RF2017 as"planes" Here's a list of people we know up to now (Feel free to add ones I'm no doubtedly going to overlook ):To Reference:Gold = We can now visitRed = We've seen, but can no longer visit.Number we can visit/have visited: 17.1. Gielinor2. Hallow3. Yu'biusk4. Vampyrium5. Infernus6. Abbinah7. Naragun8. Terragard9. Bandos's Homeworld10. Tarddiad11. Dwarf Homeworld12. Other Elemental Planes (No idea on how many are out there)14. Gorak Plane15. Kethsi16. World at which a village was lit by Zamorak . Mazcab19. Plane Armadyl Visited using all the rs 2007 gold little flying insect/bird things20.
