Gently south toward the Fallout 76 Items

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Fallout 76 Items,Fallout 76 Bottle Caps,Fallout 76 Caps,

Moving south along the road, if you venture away to the left/west you'll strike a pond and, near it, what looks like an elevated shelter or deer stand. This is not marked on your map and is not a location that was discoverable. Inside are trash items and some useful supplies.

There is also a mouth harp over the 2 chairs here and a banjo. Play for 30 seconds, and you receive the Well Tuned effect, which regenerates Action Points 25 percent quicker for the next hour (real time).

Gently south toward the Fallout 76 Items quest icon which is the Overseer's Camp. Quit by Wixon Homestead, but be Ready to fight several of those Scorched. All these are humanoid foes such as Ghouls, except they can (and do) wield weapons, such as firearms.

Take advantage of your machete as you can to conserve ammunition. The Scorched here are low-level and likely won't kill you, however you're still able to take enough damage to take a Stimpak after it is all over. You will find petrified Scorched corpses in the area, too. Should you stumble into or otherwise disturb one, it is going to disintegrate and discard radiation (about 10 RADs) for a brief while.

We discovered an armor mod here. Importantly, there's a ton of fertilizer lying around. That can be trashed (broken down) into acid in the buy Fallout 76 Weapons Tinker's Workbench in the drop. Acid plus scrap fabric creates gunpowder (although you will require a chemistry channel to combine it). Gunpowder plus lead and steel scrap creates ammunition. (Also, if you hang on to raw food or vegetables for too long, they will spoil.)
