Then turning right into wow classic gold

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So inquisitive question to the boyz, just how do you all feel about Classic WoW Classic releasing its schedule,

So inquisitive question to the boyz, just how do you all feel about Classic WoW Classic releasing its schedule, and then turning right into wow classic gold something such as Old School Runescape? Old content but improved and constantly working on new things to implement for that client. I am curious about all of your remarks as you were all hoping that classic turns into BC (sign me up for this too!) If this could be a fantastic alternative, And also to see.

Hey Esfand love ya mate you fun to watch full of info and hilarious! At some stage can you bring up oceanic servers or ask? Like surely they'll do it Why the private server scene is indeed dead for aussies is because of playing on 350-400ms its simply not fun. .

And I need these new classics to run with the servers but ive googled and searched so much I cant find any information regarding this at all. . Of the classic wow gold way they will do it but im scared. . Servers such as oceanic will spread out the players too much for us will make alot people never perform it. . And we would like to play with it... we really wish to play it but not with horrible latency.

I am not likely to lie I miss a few of those nostalgic items of classic World of Warcraft such as folks right-clicking you and inviting you into a group when they supposed to really inspect your full T2 or T3 equipment. I miss if you did something like the quest with your priest it meant something.
