When you depart Vault Fallout 76 Weapons

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If you are thinking about how you'll appear to other players, then they'll see your user ID. When you depart Vault Fallout 76 Weapons, that's it. Therefore it might be a good idea to nap on the bed in your apartment
to gain the Well Rested effect (5% incentive to XP earned) for the following two hours (real time).

In your flat and outside, you'll see a great deal of useful-looking crap, inside Vault 76. The only things you may pick up is the Nuka Tapper tape (in the Vault-Tec terminal within the flat ), a love note on
a table in the diner (not a pursuit item), along with the Overseer's log in her office terminal.

Nothing else within the vault can be picked up except for the items left for you on a series of tables at the
brief onboarding path that's upstairs leading toward the leaves. Don't waste.

The Overseer's office is the only"secret" (though not actually ) area. It's supporting the table supplies on it. Pick up each of the things. In the buy Fallout 76 Items "Get A Job" table, do not forget to pick up the Perk Cards
scattered on the table. These will give you (at random) the initial bonuses you can apply to your SPECIAL attributes, all of which start out at 1.
