Than they ought to OSRS gold

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OSRS is merely a skinnerbox, made to suck as much time from it's players as you can, so they keep paying JAGEX their inflated subscription fees for far longer than they ought to OSRS gold.

You fight one man, almost always stand in 1 location, and find out who can click through an inventory menu faster. You're also required to buy or craft consumables inorder to stand a chance. There is no level scaling, so unless you are near maximum level,

whichever player has grinded for more will always win.OSRS is merely a skinnerbox, made to suck as much time from it's players as you can, so they keep paying JAGEX their inflated subscription fees for far longer than they ought to OSRS gold. It's a psychological trap designed to pray on those who are easily addicted to the drip-feed of dopamine of it.

It's not for everybody, true that. It is the same manner that Stardew Valley is a phenomally game that is glorious, but again, not for everyone. Stardew valley gets the same"grind" pretty considerably, but that doesn't make it a poor game. , that is very fcking expensive for something which apparently has a"very low" drop rate.

Theres no need to maximum some skill to play runescape accounts. Yes some ending game PVM demands a FEW non-combat skills to be pretty high (not even near 99 though). Im currently 109 battle (126 is maximum ) in my primary, and all of my non-combat skills are 70 or reduced, which is rather easy to achieve and large enough for virtually everything that I want to do. Additionally im playing with very casual. There are weeks which im not playing 1 hour.
