WoW Classic Bans Coming for Severe Dungeon Layering Exploit

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Recently the Dungeon Layering bug has been hotly discussed by players and Blizzard also has become aware of this issue of exploiting layering. In fact, this bug has existed for many years but it has never been in such a situation like this time. According to the current situation and players' feedback, we have known that this exploit has affected Dungeons and Raids, which makes it possible to repeat the last boss of any WOW Classic Dungeon or the whole of a raid without having to wait or clear any of the earlier mobs in the instance. This means that players who exploited layering will be able to farm bosses like Darkmaster Gandling for Pattern: Robe of the Void or Balnazzar for Pattern: Truefaith Vestments without moving out of the boss arena.

Blizzard has now announced that the bug has been resolved and the version is being deployed globally. However, they also indicated that any participants who intentionally exploited the bug will be recognized and given with a suitable penalty. In addition, Cheap WOW Gold Classic is on hot sale at our website

Some have argued that this is unfair, given that these WoW Classic players were merely making use of a technical issue on Blizzard's part, rather than outright hacking the game itself, but - in a post on the game's forums  - one of the studio's Community Managers explained the decision to issue the bans.  "The key factor here is intent.", explains the post. "Did the player do something with the specific intention of causing a glitch to occur, and did they do it order to exploit said glitch for their own benefit? This recent glitch makes a pretty clean example. The players who were abusing it had to do some Very Weird Stuff to cause it to occur, and then did so repeatedly.

For those who may be worried that they’ve accidentally exploited a bug and are now on a one-way road to ban-ville: don’t be. In order to abuse the bug, players would have to take extremely specific steps. The chances of a non-cheating player replicating these steps is almost non-existent. As WoW Classic tracks all player activity, it’s easy to filter through and see which players are intentionally abusing the bug for gains. As long as you haven’t been purposely partaking in any shady activity, you’ll be fine.
