How To Size The Right-Grade Industrial-Fan For Your Commercial Premise?

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The input power is also important. You can work out the right size depending on the dimension of the room where the fan will be installed.

If you have a warehouse setup, then you need proper air circulation indoors. Industrial fans are the best option. You need one that has been certified for commercial applications. Residential fans are not heavy-duty types.


This is why you have to consult a technical person in most cases before you buy the fan. If you are having a metal roof in the warehouse, then small-sized commercial fans may not be the right choice.


  • The size and choice will keep changing depending on the location
  • You also have to focus on the employees working in the warehouse
  • A very powerful fan in a small commercial premise may not be the best choice


  • Sizing the right fan for a commercial premise


The choice of the right fan size will usually depend on multiple factors. The airflow you expect indoors is one important factor. This is usually dependent on the blade size as well.


So it is certain that you have to do a lot of calculations. You need technical knowledge before you make the choice.


  • Focus on employee number


It is important to focus on the employee numbers who are going to work within the commercial premises. Based on the numbers you will have to decide on the installing right sized fan. In a few cases, you may also have to consider installing two or more fans in place.


If you have more number of employees working in the same space then you need to install more commercial fans. 


  • Work type


What types of tasks are being performed in the warehouse or the commercial premises? You have to focus on this aspect. Some works may produce a lot of fumes. If you are performing packing and shipment task then do not need a high-speed fan.


For manufacturing units, you may need a heavy-duty fan that is bigger. For clearing out the fumes instantly, you need to install a big sized fan. This aspect has to be worked out by a professional team. You may need someone who has the technical knowledge.


  • Mounting type


Are you going to mount the fan on the ceiling? Do you want to install it on the wall or the frame? In each case, the size of the fan will keep changing. You cannot use the same size fan. 


For ceiling mounting fans the blade size can be bigger. But if you are going to mount the fan on the frame or wall, then it may not be possible to use a big blade size fan. The fan will start to wobble when running at high speeds.


  • Motor quality


The next most important factor to consider is motor quality. If the motor rotates at a very high speed, then a big wingspan is not the right choice. If the wingspan is big then the fan will wobble. You may not be able to control its speed as well.


So always ensure that commercial fans are selected wisely. You may have to look into all technical details. You cannot make random selections. 


The input power is also important. You can work out the right size depending on the dimension of the room where the fan will be installed.   
