The Many Hidden Advantages To Installing Wheelchair Lifts In Commercial Buildings

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Installing wheelchair lifts Cincinnati oh in commercial buildings provides several benefits. First, they allow wheelchair users access to upper


Installing wheelchair lifts Cincinnati oh in commercial buildings provides several benefits. First, they allow wheelchair users access to upper floors that they would otherwise be unable to reach by elevators alone. With wheelchair lifts, the disabled no longer have to settle for lower-level entrances of buildings, and they can enjoy more of their communities just like everyone else. Additionally, such wheelchair lifts Louisville ky reduce costs and times associated with building alternative ramps or modifying current building architecture and provide an opportunity to bring additional revenue through use by disabled and older adults seeking access to public places of commerce and entertainment.

Full Access

Making your building accessible to everyone is an intelligent choice. Not only will you make it easier for people with disabilities to visit, but you’ll also show that you care about their wellbeing and convenience. Installing wheelchair lifts Cincinnati oh in your commercial buildings can be a substantial investment. Still, many benefits come along with it: low maintenance and repair costs, shorter elevator downtime, and much more.


It’s a fact of life—as we age, health issues become increasingly more common. So, businesses must be wheelchair-friendly to ensure their customers can enter their business without worrying about whether they will enter at all. This is especially true for businesses located in multi-story buildings since most Americans with disabilities can’t climb stairs. A wheelchair lift can make your facility fully accessible. With one installed, you can easily accommodate guests who use wheelchairs or anyone who has difficulty navigating steps. Plus, some jurisdictions require businesses with multiple floors to be ADA compliant if they wish to maintain an occupancy permit.

Reduce Stairwell Traffic

Many commercial buildings feature multiple floors. When wheelchair users or people with other physical disabilities need to travel between these floors, they typically do so via stairwells. This puts them at risk of injury if their mobility device suddenly malfunctions (which is actually more common than you might think). By installing wheelchair lifts in buildings, you can make it easier for building occupants to reach different floors without navigating stairs or using alternative routes that aren’t equipped with ADA-compliant equipment. This helps decrease traffic around stairwells and helps prevent accidents.

Space Saver

Installing a wheelchair lift provides businesses with easy access to other floors, which can help save valuable space. For example, small companies may no longer need to allot an entire floor for only one person. Wheelchair lifts also reduce workplace injuries by reducing stair-climbing activity, making work more comfortable, and reducing back or knee pain. If you decide to install a wheelchair lift in your business, be sure to talk with an expert about your needs; there are many different types of charges available for commercial properties of all shapes and sizes.


Installing wheelchair lifts in Cincinnati oh in commercial buildings provides various benefits to businesses and customers alike. By improving access for disabled customers, wheelchair lifts can help a company establish a more diverse customer base and make more money.


