Its laughable how lengthy, money and care Bethesda invests in their titles. Howard is as cool as he desires too amongst still loyal lovers but the standing of this company was damaged almost beyond repair. If ESO Blades Gold 6 is anything other than"game of the year" quality they won't ever regain. Cant think how they chose to self destruct on a fast cash grab. Now this isn't Howards fault of course. Maybe deep down inside he's just as annoyed as the fans he must sell them these crappy excuse for a game monetization schemes.Bethesda is dead to me,they made it clear that they don't care about the narrative's the make or the IP's they grip. 'd fo76 never came I'd have preordered a 1,000$ variant of this Elder Scrolls 6. Now though I will wait months after its launch before I buy it.
The Bethesda community is far more pliable, but most people are clever enough to understand when we've been scammed.
They could say"do not expect a conventional The Elder Scrolls experience" all they need, but there is only an expectation that comes together with the license. I'm awaiting to see if it's a quality product.
I believe Blades are going to be a fantastic game, I think The Elder Scrolls has educated Bethesda a few items and I think that could be one reason it has been delayed. I actually don't really get why Bethesda is becoming so much despise, in my opinion they published one honest match ( The Elder Scrolls ) and one bad game ( The Elder Scrolls ). Another thing to note is that Fallout has been the adoptive child of Bethesda, together with all The Elder Scrolls gaining all the attention, I believe that it's quite clear that they utilize the Fallout series to Elder scrolls online blades service test mechanisms they may want to add into some future title.
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