Discovering office 2019 professional plus and its benefits

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You’ve finally made the switch to Office 365, and you’re loving it. The only thing missing? One of the new, snazzy updates that have come


You’ve finally made the switch to Office 365, and you’re loving it. The only thing missing? One of the new, snazzy updates that have come out since you made the switch to Microsoft’s cloud platform and that you didn’t know were available to you! You might be surprised to find out that even if you are already using Office 365, there are new features available to you in the newest release of Office 2019 Professional Plus! This article will tell you all about what has changed and why you should upgrade now!


Office has always been a great tool for those with disabilities, but MS office 2019takes accessibility to a whole new level. If you aren’t already familiar with these features, it’s easy enough to explain: Read Aloud and Speak Selection (both in Outlook and Word) are particularly useful because they allow users to navigate text without having to use a keyboard or mouse. The updated White on Black mode is also worth noting because it makes reading text easier for those that have trouble seeing black print on white backgrounds. These tools help increase user engagement while saving time otherwise spent teaching employees how to use Office applications.


One of the most talked about features in Office 2019 is compliance. When you save your documents in a cloud storage solution like OneDrive or Dropbox, they’re actually not saved as is. When these services send your files back to you, they’re stored and encrypted as RMS protected versions of themselves. For example, if you open a PowerPoint file stored on OneDrive it automatically opens with Protected View enabled so that only authorized users can edit it. In Office, 365 Outlook is able to make use of RMS protected email messages. This protects organizations who have regulatory compliance issues such as GDPR or HIPAA without making work more difficult for their users.


Office 365 was built for teamwork, but Microsoft has made it easier than ever for one person to use its software. New in office 2019 downloadis OneDrive Files On-Demand. The service, which debuted on Windows 10 last year and will be available on Android and iOS later in 2018, automatically downloads all of your files as you need them without taking up space on your hard drive. Files will be stored in a cloud-based folder that’s connected to every Office app you have installed so that you can access them from any device.

Multilingual Experience

New in Office 2019, a new Language Experience lets you use Microsoft Translator's machine translation capabilities right within Office apps. It uses cloud-based machine translation services that are not only incredibly fast but also available across your devices and always up-to-date. This translates words or phrases right into any of your documents and allows you to easily integrate more natural language into your work. It's available in Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, Project and Visio as well as several other programs coming soon.

Productivity Tools

When it comes to business productivity tools, Microsoft Office has a lot of products that can help you and your team get more done in less time. Office 365 Business, for example, is now part of an all-in-one subscription plan called Office 365 Business Premium. Among other things, it includes MS Outlook for email management and calendar sharing.
