Airolog Syncronization Technology

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Airolog Syncronization Technology -To avoid packet collisions among multiple wireless devices that communicate in the same zone. Wireless sensors. wireless airolog sensor. specifications; applications.

  • CAPTEMP  A system that helps to ensure food is stored at                                            the  correct temperature.
  • Senslive Portal
  • SensLIVE
  • Cloud software where data can be viewed, create alerts, export reports and manage auto reports

                                 # CAPTEMP DVSS

CapTemp "DVSS" (Data Validation Security System) is a technology that ensures any manipulation of relevant data is detected.

This technology guarantees the integrity and authenticity of the data:

Double asymetric keys system

Symetric cryptography

Strong hashing technologies

Validation and integrity of the system can be checked in the user interface

User is warned of existing manipulated data

Reports and certificates are digitally signed and show if data has been manipulated

                                              CAPTEMP "AST"

When multiple wireless devices communicate in the same area, packet collisions can occur. To prevent this CapTemp has developed a proprietary technology "AST "(AiroLOG Syncronization Technology), available in our range of wireless sensors.

This technology allows:

  • All AiroLOGs communicate in parallel without packet loss
  • CLOCK SYNCRONIZATION. The readings (temperature, humidity, etc) take place at exactly the same time (system with automatic clock syncronization)
  • Resolution in miliseconds, allowing measurements with high accuracy

"CapTemp" is a "SCADA" software (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) for monitoring a wide range of sensors as well as the status of digital inputs/outputs. The application is oriented towards end-users, offering a simple and user friendly environment with simple and intuitive control.

Data acquistion is shown in graphs, plans or pictures. The data is stored in a database and is available for viewing through the module "MonTemp". With this module, all kinds of requests can be made.


The CapTemp SQL software is certified and valid according to WELMEC GUIDE 7.2 for type U systems with extensions L, T and Risk Class D.

All equipment that makes up the system conforms to standard EN12830:2008, EN13485, EN13486 and approved by the Portuguese authority IPQ.

The CapTemp SQL software is certified and valid according to WELMEC GUIDE 7.2 for type U systems with extensions L, T and Risk Class D.

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