What You Need To Know To Level Fast In FFXIV

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This article will tell you more about FFXIV and the way the leveling system works but more importantly it will also give you a few tips that you can use if you are getting stuck in the game to level up faster.

This article will tell you more about FFXIV and the way the leveling system works but more importantly it will also give you a few tips that you can use if you are getting stuck in the game to level up faster.

So let us cover the basics first:

How do you level in FFXIV?

The leveling in FFXIV is the same as any MMORG really. There was talk before it was launched about the leveling system being totally different to other games of this type like World of Warcraft, but really once you get in the game you will see that it is the same process.

The only difference is that with FFXIV you will normally go to a camp and get the main leveling quests which are called Leves. There is certain time restraints to these quests and you will also be able to set the difficulty of each one before you play through.

Obviously the higher the difficulty the more XP you get.

So as you can see it is the same sort of thing as other MMORG's you have most likely played.

Now let us move onto the tips that you can use to level faster in FFXIV:

How to level fast in FFXIV?

Learn From The Best: It is a really good idea when you are starting out to join a few forums where you will be able to chat about the game and of course because you are all playing the game you can pick up loads of tips on how to level fast.

The downside is that you will need to get known by the community before they start giving all their secrets away but in the long run it can be worth it for all the knowledge you can acquire.

Don't Forget About Money: The money in the game is called Gil and you MUST make sure that you always have enough of it. I learnt this lesson the hard way and after making good progress with the leveling in the game I had to go back and learn crafting to get my FFXIV Gil higher.

If you don't do this you will not have the best weapons and armour either so always focus on your professions as well as leveling up.

Plan Your Route: This is most important. Make sure that you plan your route before you start leveling because the game is really open ended and if you do not do this you can end up getting lost and the game can become hard work.

Ask in the forums for the best way to start leveling.

I hope this article has told you a bit more about leveling strategies in FFXIV and given you some tips that you can use to level fast.

If you want to get the EXACT leveling path through the game for all races and get taken through step by step for ALL races then you need to check out SSEGold.com!
