The return of this Kamas Dofus Retro

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The group DOFUS reacted in part to this request during the calendar year 2018 via the debut of objects Cosmetics obtainable on Dofus's Bosses. Some can be obtained throughout the year and others are linked to events over a period of time.

The Rogue eventually has elemental spells, but mainly a lot of positioning spells.The community requests the return of this Kamas Dofus Retro fall of equipment and rare resources on the monsters of Dofus for many months (years?) , The group DOFUS reacted in part to this request during the calendar year 2018 via the debut of objects Cosmetics obtainable on Dofus's Bosses. Some can be obtained throughout the year and others are linked to events over a period of time.

For season 2 of this Temporis model, the DOFUS team would like to go further and enables Dofus players to recuperate all the equipment of Dofus on creatures. The gear obtained will be of a degree connected to this monster. Taking into account the potential generation of items and tools, these's obtaining rates were reduced, leaving the Buy Dofus Kamas Dofus players the surprise of this rare drop in the close of the struggle.

It is important to specify that a piece of gear can be had on each monster in the fight. A monster could nevertheless win many gear that is different to the Dofus players of this fight. Importantly, the gear related to event content (kits of Vulkania, Halouine and the Isle of Nowel) can not be obtained on creatures that do not belong to those particular contents. Items that are legendary seem to be part of and can obviously be accessed.

Monsters' various families will be classified in increments of 10 degrees around 190. A slice will be dedicated to the levels 191 to 199 and eventually a single slice for the amount 200. With this time, the multipliers of experience on occasion bonuses or the characters won't be active.

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