Top Health Benefits of Getting Opioid Addiction Treatment

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When it comes to the world of addiction, there are few drugs more commonly known than opioids. These powerful painkillers can be found in most medicine cabinets around the world, and they have been used to treat everything from headaches to chronic pain conditions like cancer. However, whe


When it comes to the world of addiction, there are few drugs more commonly known than opioids. These powerful painkillers can be found in most medicine cabinets around the world, and they have been used to treat everything from headaches to chronic pain conditions like cancer. However, when you become addicted to opioids, they can turn your life upside down very quickly and do serious damage to your overall health in the process. If you’re looking into opioid addiction treatment Lexington KY as a way to overcome your substance abuse problem and live a healthier life, read on to learn about just some of the many health benefits of getting opioid addiction treatment today!

Longer life

Having a problem with drugs means living a shorter life. Studies show that those who receive effective treatment, like opioid addiction treatment Lexington KY, live an average of two years longer than those who do not receive treatment. That’s because when you have a drug addiction, it often leads to poor health choices and behaviors that can shorten your life span. For example, a person abusing opioids or alcohol may engage in risky behavior like driving while under the influence or having unprotected sex with multiple partners. An overdose may result if they aren’t taking enough precautions to stay safe or keep themselves healthy. If you are struggling with addiction, get help today. Your life is worth it!

Better mental health

While addiction is commonly thought to be a physical disease, it actually has a mental health component that has been shown to improve with opioid addiction treatment Lexington KY. One study found that among people who had used heroin for less than five years, those who got treatment were less likely to commit suicide than those who didn’t get help. Additionally, another study found that patients with major depression were 29 percent more likely to respond positively to opioid addiction treatment if they also got psychiatric counseling. Clearly, combining physical and mental health care for people suffering from an opioid use disorder is a smart and compassionate approach to getting them on their feet again after their addiction issues have been treated.

Fewer chronic diseases

Chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes, are a leading cause of death in America. A recent study showed that people who had abused opioids for more than three years were far more likely to have chronic diseases than those who didn't abuse them. Many people with opioid use disorder also smoke cigarettes, drink too much alcohol or binge on unhealthy foods. When you begin an opioid addiction treatment Lexington KY program, it can make all your other health habits healthier by default. You'll learn how to eat better, quit smoking and make smarter decisions about alcohol use. If you've struggled with an addiction to painkillers or street drugs, there's no better time than now to break free from your bad habits and start anew!

Greater financial stability

When people get help with their addiction, they can spend less money on drugs and are more likely to receive government aid. Many drug users end up spending too much on drugs and lose their jobs; once they start working again, they’re able to pay bills while being sober, including medical expenses. If you’re in need of financial stability and want to live a more stable life, it might be time to consider how getting an addiction treatment program can benefit your financial situation.

