How to get rid of cactus spines?

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How to get rid of cactus spines? You can apply Elmer's Glue over the area and cover with gauze allowing the glue to dry, which takes about 30 minutes.

How to get rid of cactus spines? - How to get rid of cactus spines? You can apply Elmer's Glue over the area and cover with gauze allowing the glue to dry, which takes about 30 minutes.

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NEW!! How can you get rid of cactus spines? (including ones stuck in your throat)

Raul Puente-Martinez has been punctured by cacti needles on numerous occasions.

He’s been studying prickly pears and chollas, which are known for their barbed spines,

for decades as a research botanist and curator of living collections at the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix.

The worst cholla attack he’s ever seen happened while he was hiking in Mexico with a group of pals.

One of the hikers spotted a cactus fragment stuck to the tip of his shoe as they walked through a cholla woodland.

He tried kicking the spiny hitchhiker out with his foot. The majority of the cactus flew away, including one that went straight up and got trapped in the man’s top lip.

Fortunately, Puente-Martinez has a lot of experience removing spines. He recalls, “You could tell that they were pretty deep inside his lip.”

“There was a small stream of blood flowing out of the hole every time I pulled one; that was quite bad.”

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