Thank you to a well Kamas Dofus Retro

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Thank you to a well Kamas Dofus Retro thought out answer I went Omni Sac originally for the flexibility

Thank you to a well Kamas Dofus Retro thought out answer I went Omni Sac originally for the flexibility, being able to hit things for weakness is very convenient and makes shifting gear and altering direction for assembles easier. My Sac was not made before my Osa was like 140 so he had to take his burden for awhile but after this update it seems struggle is harder. I wanted remarks before I invested Dofus kamas in assembles or course changes. I forgot to mention my Osa is 191 and my Sac 174.

I'm using most the mp for +% dmg and enemy idols in addition to the dmg. It gave me a score but in these types of conditions I can no longer win fight with the modifications. My equipment is mediocre. I've never considered that this group could have sustain to make use of thanks for your insight, I simply saw it because a lot of synergy with the like and spiritual leash. I'll alter my Osa or even Sac to get Iop.

The entire"going multi components to exploit resists" mentality does not work because the amount of harm you shed is more than the harm you gain average. Only 1/5 monsters you struggle will have -resist to your primary element (as there's 5 different resistances). You shed damage on another 4/5 monsters to gain harm vehicle, by going hybrid. So because you're hybrid, on average, even if you're doing like 4 times the harm to this monster you do harm.

Nyoro's isn't, used by installations for yoshes and use dynamos. You can just use 3 dynamos 3 yoshes for 300+ score switch a dynamo to nekineko if you feel It will accelerate fights since dinosaurs run too far off. Also muta + kyoub that is great with 2 dynamo 2 yosh is higher score and worth using if you can endure the muta. Some awful map designs and mobs running away may make it hard, however muta does permit your osa to buy Kamas Dofus Retro die a whole lot faster which is good.
