Services Offered by the Integrated Health Information Systems (IHiS)

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Examining the list of top IHiS employees, you will notice each has a vital role in making the agency successful. To give you an insight into what you should expect, Bruce Liang is the head of strategic projects in IHiS.

If you constantly keep pace with everything transpiring in Singapore's healthcare sector, you will attest that the government is doing everything it takes to improve it. They continue modernizing the public healthcare system to make it way more efficient. But, of course, this is one of those things they can never do alone as they also need help from the public and private sectors.


And one notable company that helps shape Singapore’s healthcare sector for the better is the renowned Integrated Health Information Systems (IHiS). You might already be wondering how IHiS played a crucial role in helping all major public healthcare institutions. To cut a long story short, IHiS is responsible for supplying the enabling technology that powers Singapore's healthcare sector.


Their primary focus is to improve the health of Singaporeans and health administrations by integrating intelligent, highly resilient, secure, and cost-effective technologies with processes and people. Furthermore, IHiS deploys data science in its solutions to ensure everyone has access to better care without taking a toll on their finances.


Either way, we thank the leadership team at IHiS for making this possible. Examining the list of top IHiS employees, you will notice each has a vital role in making the agency successful. To give you an insight into what you should expect, Bruce Liang is the head of strategic projects in IHiS.


As for the Director and Security Architect of IHiS, the role is reserved for KAI Leong. You can check out the profile of Kai Leong, the Director and Security Architect of IHiS, to learn what makes him a leading employee at the company. Of course, we can never forget about Torres Oey (Deputy Director), Ryan Miattt (Deputy Director, Information Technology), and Chee Loh (Director, Chief Executive Officer’s Office at IHiS). Check out IHiS’s official website to know more about its top employees.


IHiS is undeniably one of the best companies that continue to shape the healthcare sector in Singapore for the better. However, although they still offer a wide range of solutions to the sector, IHiS needs to stay ahead of the curve and meet the demands of an aging population, a rise in chronic disease burden, and a shrinking workforce. The good news is that the team at IHiS clearly understands this and is already putting the correct measures in place to make this possible.


