Genuine leather handbags UK

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We bring you a unique selection of the latest, stylish and genuine leather handbags in UK. Ian Spiers is providing you Real leather handbags for sale in UK at wholesale prices.

Genuine leather handbags UK - We bring you a unique selection of the latest, stylish and genuine leather handbags in UK. Ian Spiers is providing you Real leather handbags for sale in UK at wholesale prices.

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"Working with leather and wood lifts my spirits. I get the greatest satisfaction out of producing items of quality that are durable and aesthetically pleasing for you."

Inspiration comes from my need to create something unique. I have always had a workshop and a fascination for tools of all kinds. Some years ago when I wanted a man-bag, I ended up getting one made for me when I was in Morocco, but it just wasn’t quite right.

So… I joined a course led by an experienced saddler and developed a passion for working with leather. My workshop now took on a new lease of life. I experimented with a range of different materials, letting my imagination run free.

My engineering background aids in solving problems - even to the extent that if I cannot find a tool that fits the job exactly, I customise them!

The design and structure are equally important to me. In addition, the end result has to look good and be practical. It would break my heart to produce a piece of work that is not pleasing to the eye.

My engineering background aids in solving problems - even to the extent that if I cannot find a tool that fits the job exactly, I customise them!

The design and structure are equally important to me. In addition, the end result has to look good and be practical. It would break my heart to produce a piece of work that is not pleasing to the eye.

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6 Frogmore Rd, Snitterfield
Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 0LA


07818 447 705
