What to Look for in a PSG Grant Vendor

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Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. If your business is not visible on these platforms, you will not have many customers. This will reduce your sales and growth in general.

There are lots of challenges business owners face. One of the commonest is capital for expansion and other business activities. This is why most businesses take advantage of grant offers. In Singapore, the government created different schemes to help small businesses grow. One of the schemes or incentives is known as the Productivity Solutions Grant. With this grant, business owners can move their business to the next level. These PSG grants given by the government of Singapore are for eligible businesses to adopt digital services to improve their business.


This list contains government PSG pre-approved vendor lists or companies that offer businesses digital or internet technology solutions. One trusted company on this PSG grant vendor listis the MediaOne digital marketing agency. This digital marketing agency provides Singaporeans with exciting digital marketing services such as branding, web design, and search engine optimization. With these services, business growth is inevitable.


The digital or internet technology services of MediaOne digital marketing agency mentioned above have lots of benefits to any business. We live in a digital world where people – targeted audiences are online and spend a lot of time on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. If your business is not visible on these platforms, you will not have many customers. This will reduce your sales and growth in general.


This is the primary reason for every business. With digital services such as branding, people will get to know who you are or what product you are selling. An excellent online brand quickly gets people's trust, and people love buying from those they trust. With this in place, you will get more sales.


There are different requirements to meet for your business to be eligible. For example, you must have a Singapore registered business number, be a Singapore resident, or have a working or employment permit. Also, your business must have less than 200 employees. You can find more about the requirements on the MediaOne digital marketing agency website.


When you are eligible, you can get a digital marketing grant from MediaOne digital marketing agency, a PSG vendor. So, you can enjoy all their digital services mentioned above by spending just a token. The PSG Singapore grant already covers more than 70% of the expense.
