New trailer dedicated on the system of houses in MapleStory

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New trailer dedicated on the system of houses in MapleStory

Some individuals are frightened through the visual part of MMORPG MapleStory 2. But nevertheless, the action has a system of MapleStory 2 Mesos , content produced by other players, transport, PvP, an intriguing system of houses, wardrobe system and many more.

And recently it became known that inside MapleStory 2 there will likely be a voice voice. With it, developers wish to make the overall game world more alive. Below you'll be able to find a youtube video that demonstrates particles recording and not simply.

Do not forget that this alpha test on the game will start on September 17th. So in the event you could end up in the ranks of testers, then you've got to Buy MS 2 Mesos wait a lot longer. We also advise one to watch the gameplay video, in which you will discover fights with bosses.
