Steam Pressing: All You Need To Know About

Yorumlar · 527 Görüntüler

After dry cleaning, the following process is finishing. It’s an extensive process, which takes various steps, and keeping clothes as good as new is essential. The most important part of the finishing procedure is steam pressing, and this blog is all about it.

If we want to take the best care of our clothes, we always resort to dry cleaning, as it maintains the quality of our clothes. But it’s not just one short process; it’s a complex process that also requires excellent finishing. Laundry finishing uses various sub-processes, of which pressing is the most important. This blog by Dhobilite will tell you all the fundamentals you need to know about steam pressing.  


Dry cleaning and steam pressing: An overview


During the dry cleaning process, professional Laundry Service providers pre-treat the fabrics before cleaning the Laundry. It ensures that any marks or spots are removed with extra care.


  • The garments are sometimes rechecked, and the remaining spots are cleaned. This technique is known as post-spotting.
  • Dry Cleaners apply final special touches to make the garments look fresh and new, which always does the trick.


After dry cleaning, the following process is finishing. Various machines and gadgets are available to help us achieve flawless professional finishing of clothes after dry cleaning. It’s an extensive process that takes these steps.

● Pressing.
● Steaming.
● Ironing.
● Any other finishing touches.
● Folding.
● Packing.

Pressing, steaming, and ironing ensure that your favorite dress looks exquisite. If you have gone to a Laundromat before, you must have noticed that the equipment used to press your clothes is very warm. Of course, it’s because of the steam. But it’s not just there for show.


  • The purpose of steaming and specialized pressing machines is to ensure that the ironing and pressing task is faster and more effective.
  • Steam pressing is the essential step of the finishing procedure.


Let’s learn a little more about the steam press now.


How does a steam press work?


The equipment professionals use is not like your ordinary steam press. The advanced equipment applies pressure and steam, isolated using air or vacuum. The steam applied to your dress softens the fabric, allowing for more effortless pressing. The high pressure applied to the material causes the pressed effect. The heat helps the clothing to dry while maintaining its shape quickly.


  • The steam may be extracted using a vacuum or air to help the drying procedure. The pressure comes from the top of a press, while the moisture comes from the bottom. It allows the garment to retain shape and stay free of wrinkles.


Why should you opt for a steam press?


Steam pressing a fabric aims to help it retain shape. A shirt would be the best example of this. We can see that clothing does not lie flat when worn, so adding finishing will make it look its best.


  • At specialist Dryclean merchants, a shirt’s collar and the cuff are pressed with a curve. It is often done with the same machine with different parts to position each piece.
  • Dedicated devices are also available for pressing cuff garments.


Overall, pressing is essential to caring for your clothes and making your fabrics last long.
