Carlsbad ca Chiropractic

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Chiropractors treat conditions related to your body's structure. Their goal is to relieve pain and improve function. Chiropractic has several techniques that share some concepts with massage.

Prenatal Chiropractic

A chiropractor is a doctor of chiropractic.

The word "chiropractic" comes from two Greek words: "cheir" meaning hand and "practikos" meaning to do, or to practice. Chiropractors use their hands as well as other manual therapies, exercises, and rehabilitative devices to diagnose and treat people with mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Chiropractors are licensed physicians who specialize in spinal manipulation therapy (manipulating a patient’s spine) and other treatments that are non-invasive, drug-free, natural methods of restoring health. They offer natural, drug-free methods to detect and correct problems with muscles, bones and joints without using drugs or surgery.

Chiropractic is based on the idea that the structure (primarily the spine) within the body can affect health without the intervention of medications or surgery. In other words, it’s a "hands-on" approach to medicine. Chiropractors use manual manipulation of spinal joints and soft tissue to diagnose and treat problems that may cause pain and disability in patients.

Chiropractic focuses on areas commonly affected by injury or trauma—the back, neck and extremities . . . the area most commonly associated with mechanical problems and the most susceptible to drugs and surgery.

In today’s world, people have a host of ailments that cannot be treated by modern medicine. They would rather try a "natural" approach such as chiropractic to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation and improve function. Chiropractors can help these patients get well much faster than other doctors because it is non-invasive and drug-free.

Chiropractors are licensed physicians who specialize in spinal manipulation therapy (manipulating a patient’s spine) and other treatments that are non-invasive, drug-free, natural methods of restoring health. They offer natural, drug-free methods to detect and correct problems with muscles, bones and joints without using drugs or surgery.

Chiropractic is based on the idea that the structure (primarily the spine) within the body can affect health without the intervention of medications or surgery. In other words, it’s a "hands-on" approach to medicine. Chiropractors use manual manipulation of spinal joints and soft tissue to diagnose and treat problems that may cause pain and disability in patients. Read More...

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