Nat Keto and the art of meal prep to Party

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Social situations and pressure might impede you sometimes, from following your Nat keto regime strictly.

Social situations and pressure might impede you sometimes, from following your Nat keto regime strictly. Don’t worry, there are solutions. When you are strictly following the keto diet, then sometimes, you get this weird feeling about what would the other party mates think of you having a NAT keto drink. But to your surprise, there are some amazing options as keto solutions. Yes, there are keto-friendly alcoholic drinks too. There are keto-friendly party dishes too.


Have fun socializing


However, this is just to join the party mood without disrupting your schedule in any big way. Ask for the keto drink mix of the special kind from the promoter and you will get a list of such useful solutions. These items could help you face social situations without any pressure.


  • Whiskey,
  • Tequila
  • Rum
  • Vodka
  • Gin


All these pure alcohol varieties don’t contain any carbohydrates. Cocktails, beers, wine and even light beer would certainly have a small number of carbohydrates, though. Similarly, you can also try,


  • Keto meatballs
  • Taco cups- Keto
  • Cookies keto dough
  • Keto puffed potato
  • Keto chocolate cake
  • Keto popcorn


All these are some of the party dishes that you can try not to feel aloof from the party animals and so socialize with everyone normally. But, don’t overdo it. Otherwise, it is better to stick to the keto drink mix alone.


So, what is the 10 day drink ketones challenge?


Promoters motivate you to try. It is because they are confident that within these 10 days you will be able to see some very good results as long as you are going to follow the diet promptly as suggested to you by the promoter and distributor. If the distributor or the promoter is authentic enough to sell the product, then they should be giving you the right guidance and should be well-informed at the same time. They should be especially aware of the numerous advantages of using ketone supplements.


When you are going to limit the intake of calories daily, how do you get fit? 


You can get fit despite having fewer calories, but only with the keto diet, which largely preserves muscle mass. It is said to be a life-span enhancer by fitness experts and dietitians alike. Understanding what is the 10 day drink ketones challenge helps you follow it with the dedication to reap the fullest benefits.


That is how you would strictly stick to staying in ketosis too. So, try to limit the carbohydrate intake per day to only well within 25 grams. A slice of pizza would easily contain about 27 grams of carbohydrates but depends on what type of pizza you order and from where.


Wrapping it up


Similarly, one banana may add 27 grams of carbohydrates. A burger bun, a doughnut, a bottle of beer, a cup of potato chips, and any other items equivalent to that level of carbohydrates might easily tempt you. Don’t bother. It is as simple as that. Just don’t even look at those things during the early days of your diet so that you don’t care about these items later on. You get used to the keto drink mix naturally because of the flavor, and taste. This paradigm shift is the beginning of your prosperous and healthier journey for good.
