The root cause of addiction and the best therapy Lexington KY

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Understanding more about substance abuse Lexington KY and addiction to find its root causes is always going to help you find a solution for it. Remember, this is a real, complex ailment that can influence your behavior and thought process. Addictions can certainly take their toll on your b


Understanding more about substance abuse Lexington KY and addiction to find its root causes is always going to help you find a solution for it. Remember, this is a real, complex ailment that can influence your behavior and thought process. Addictions can certainly take their toll on your body, mind, and spirit.


Controlling the cause


This is the reason why seeking the help of substance abuse Lexington KY therapists who are dedicated and sincere about offering treatment to the affected individuals, is vital. The underlying causes of addiction and substance abuse are the same. Long-term addictions can be brought under control if you identify the underlying cause and fix the problem once and for all.


Figure out the Factors


Proper counseling is essential, and complete cooperation and willingness from the patient are also most important for successful results to be achieved. Stress is a major reason for addiction. If there is a family history of trauma and mental illness, then that can also lead to addiction. During a counseling session, when substance abuse Lexington KY therapists interact with the affected individual, they learn about how these factors can ultimately lead to chronic substance abuse in individuals.


Figure out the therapy


The point is that what you are noting down during the counseling session will indicate the type of therapy Lexington KY procedures required for further cutting down the risk. Addiction is simply nothing but your inability to stop using alcohol or drugs of any other kind that can be detrimental to your survival. Despite being aware of the risks, compulsory drug use can cause damage to brain function that can be detrimental to your survival.


Despite being aware of the risks, compulsory drug use can cause damage to brain function. Regular drug and alcohol use alters the structure of the central nervous system, particularly the brain. This in turn affects the thought process and behavioral pattern of the affected individual.


The biology behind addiction


Whenever you are using any type of drug, the brain releases the neurotransmitter dopamine. This is responsible for the sense of feeling pleasure. The brain's memory records this feeling. There is a separate learning center in a section of the brain. This learning center will form a permanent connection between pleasure and habitual alcohol or drug use. Environmental cues will also trigger the percent to recall the emotion and engage in the activity.


Over some time, this link between the brain and pleasure gains strength, which may lead to a strong craving. This mechanism is just like our temptation to eat some good food items. This affects the way we behave and think.


It is for this reason that we can justify our use of alcohol and drugs. It becomes easier for you to find excuses for this addiction. You have a strong desire to be dishonest and do immoral things. At this stage, if you are not treated properly by the therapy Lexington KY experts, things can get worse. Holistic cure is what they need and that is possible in the rehab.



