Ways Your Company Can Leverage Sandblasting

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You might not have the foggiest of ideas, but many components in air abrasive blasting systems work together to deliver and efficient and effective performance. The primary parts of sandblasting equipment include are available in a wide array of options.


Sandblasting is a conventional method of preparing a metal substrate and material surface before applying a treatment, coating or other finishes. Whether you are looking for an economical process of stripping plant, cleaning, deburring, bright finishing, scale removal, shot peening, or decorative etching, then it will certainly work to your advantage.


However, a lot more goes into sandblasting setup and application for things to work in your favor. And that’s what this simple guide is here to help you unearth today. Read on to uncover more before taking the next step of action.


You might not have the foggiest of ideas, but many components in air abrasive blasting systems work together to deliver and efficient and effective performance. The primary parts of sandblasting equipment include are available in a wide array of options.


One notable equipment is the air compressor delivering the high-pressure air essential to the blasting process. You should also opt for black pot, or pressure blast tank, a coded pressure vessel that feeds the abrasives into the air stream. Of course, you should not forget a nozzle that directs the abrasive media at the appropriate angle for sandblasting surfaces.


Considering there are many different types of blasting prep systems, equipment setup procedures are not always uniform. For this reason, you need to inspect all of your parts and components before assembly to identify cracks, leaks and other damages or defects.


You should then position the compressor upwind from your work area and on level ground to keep dust and debris from entering the system and make sure the oil and moisture separators and lubrication can function properly.


Now lay out the bull hose and blast hose as straight as possible to eliminate kinks and reduce bends that can impact material flow and performance. Carefully connect hoses and pin fittings, inspecting once again to ensure that they’re securely in place and avoid air leaks.


For those who want to benefit from sand blasting and spray painting Singapore services, then you should look no further than Pacific Logistics Group (PLG). PLG is proud to be an ISO 9001:2015 certified company with a strong dedication to delivering exceptional services of the highest quality to their valued clients. Contact PLG today to find out more about their offerings.


