Chronicle: RuneScape Legends open beta is now underway

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Chronicle: RuneScape Legends open beta is now underway

Jagex has just announced that the Chronicle: RuneScape Legends open beta is now starting immediately. Chronicles is a stategy card game that takes place in the universe of the RuneScape Gold world famous RuneScape. The makers themselves praise their game because of the elimination of results determined by chance, which of course happens in almost every card game. The game should revolve around PVE (player-versus-environment) -meets-PVP (player-versus-player): both players go on their own adventure and have the necessary cards to counter the other player.

These are not small promises. The most skill-based card game ever? We are of course curious and will certainly try the game. You can expect to hear more from us about Chronicles: RuneScape Legends in the future. Access to the beta can be obtained at