Best Hospital for Dengue Treatment in Ahmedabad

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As Dengue fever goes on rampage in this season and people often search for best centre for dengue treatment, one must know Do’s and Dont’s in Dengue.

As Dengue fever goes on rampage in this season and people often search for best centre for dengue treatment, one must know Do’s and Dont’s in Dengue.


There is no proven treatment for Dengue fever, it subsides on its own.


For uncomplicated cases of Dengue Fever, one can take treatment at home. fever shall subside on Day 5 and Abdominal pain and vomiting shall subside on day 6. Platelets shall start rising from day 8.


In cases of haemorrhage or bleeding from any site, one should consult doctor immediately and get hospitalised.


Avoid pain killers like ibuprofen, diclofenac and naproxen. They increase bleeding tendency.


There is no role of steroids in treatment of dengue fever.


Hydration should be optimum. One should take maximum amount of liquids.


Papaya leaves or juice can be beneficial. We need more data to prove it.


If there is no bleeding, one should wait for platelet transfusion even if platelets are less than 10000.


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Our hospital

Sangini Hospital`s healthcare verticals majorly comprise diagnostics and day care specialty facilities.

1st Floor,Santorini Square,Opp.Star Bazzar

Satellite, Ahmedabad-380015


Emergency contact

Need Assitance ? Call our 24X7 Emergency Helpline number, We are always ready to help you



Email address

We are also available to contact through email, for general or hospital related queries.

#We are happy to answer any questions

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