Empresa familiar

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Empresa familiar - No Legado e Família, você pode se cadastrar e publicar seus artigos e notícias sobre empresas familiares e famílias empresárias. Esta rede social reúne pessoas e empresas que queiram inspirar empresas familiares e famílias empresárias a se fortalecerem e tornar seu legado mais longevo.

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Family businesses and Their ability to withstand Uncertainties

The German philosopher Immanuel Kant defined the concept of intelligence as the ability of an individual to bear the uncertainty. I believe that this concept fits perfectly into a business reality very specific: I refer to the Family Business.
In the last fifteen years, I have had an extraordinary experience for the privilege to advise the diverse realities of business families in Brazil, Latin and Central America. And if I had to highlight one aspect in particular this would be the existing capacity within a business family in supporting and handling times and periods of uncertainty: both in their own family relationships, as between partners, in their own management and also of economic instability .
While I regret a lot when such recognition is not always enough or come in time to reverse a situation of crisis or period in which family and business have come across.
According to experience, I say with confidence that even when businesses are in periods or times of crisis - not uncommon especially in a country like ours - if family relationships are characterized healthily, the trend is that the family becomes a difficult business environment into something very positive. Otherwise, when the relations between the members of owner families in difficulty high, just a little uneasiness in business for that family disruption and even disappearance of the business happens in the blink of an eye.
But what sets healthy family relationships when it has in the center an undertaking or business to manage?
The latest history has shown us that business families that has perpetuated those that are not relinquished his purpose and values. In other words, the essence. Even in turbulent times, whether in business or in relationships between generations, we guide so that the agenda is open to rescue and ask: what really is important to us? what unites us? what keeps the flame burning in our family? What is our legacy? The result is surprising and often exciting.
Think about such issues and make commitments around it, will certainly contribute to that again sail in calm waters.
In practical terms, regard the company as a greater good. Taking measures to be able to benefit the whole, leaving aside any possibility of individual interest or privilege.
Family businesses are strengthened in that family and partners are established, as stated Ivan Lansberg (specialist in Family Business), with the same outlook, common goals and complementary skills.
There is a phrase of Victor Frankl (German psychologist) that demonstrates the importance of values ​​for continued: "If we have a good to live for , we will find the way of living." It is a natural human being have expectations of others. something legitimate. However we have to take it up trend of other such expectations.
Experiments to develop intelligence of business families makes us called especially for times of crisis. Thing for a business family is something real and present throughout their journey. Of the first questions we usually ask is how they can organize themselves and act? What is the commitment of each to reach the level considered ideal?
For this matter, John Davis (Harvard professor) reinforces the idea that a crisis should be viewed with a sense of generosity, where everyone can come together around a purpose and optimism.
I understand that according to what we have worked and studied in recent times, that just as there are a number of methods and processes for business management, business family also needs management. In this case, I mean the relationship between and within generations, the relationship between parents and their own business and their own individual development of family.
On the one hand, the strengthening of values, the legacy, the purpose is to fuel a continuity process, on the other, the communication has been shown as vital for healthy relationships in the family environment take effect.
And when that happens, the possibility of being generated discomfort, malaise, hurts and resentments is quite large. And in a business family environment to deal with real possibilities and almost all the time. A picture a typical both we face constantly in the most diverse families and businesses that advise. To manage, the path is very simple: just turn the expectations in combinations. For from the moment that combines something, one can and should be combined charge. What can not be done in relation to what is expected of someone. But when combined, are combined.
Finally, I understand that all business family has a mission: to develop its members to find their real, true vocation. That are invested time and energy so that the descendants realize their full potential. Whether inside or outside the business. For regardless of each member career, all one day become members. And a partner who can actually generate more value for your assets and your business will be the one who is successful professionally. Otherwise, the company will have to take a problem that will not be yours.
There is much to be done in terms of development, strengthening and alignment of what really makes sense for a business family. It is an education process.The first step is that all involved have clarity about the whys and how of how to live.
