So people purchase RuneScape gold

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So people purchase RuneScape gold 120 skills to be trained by keys?

So people purchase RuneScape gold 120 skills to be trained by keys? That's just. I fully agree that I would much rather see a rework, but come on people, realize there's a whole lot of work required to redesign a skill as opposed to tacking on extra articles for another already setup one. And 120 skills, though I will fully agree that I wish there was more articles in the later levels, help give further goals to shoot for while playing, which is not as much of a"driven demand" given comp cape lost its shine. It is adding a little longevity to a game that's already very top heavy when you have a look at runescape player levels.

Look I will just come out and say it, so far as community direction goes, jagex is becoming really... well depending upon your standpoint comically idle, so inept they're beginning to boarder on the dark EA/bethesda levels of incompetent. Part of this is true from tone deaf or easily from place remarks into the neighborhood over many many an issue, another portion of this, is the perplexing absence of activity against particularly scammers and exploiters. I mean hell, even as much as I'm still conscious, that one bait via a certain tree by a certain area is still working (if you know any lurers that one appears to be their mecca).

I truly do feel jagex does need to step it up, update their report system to add video/screenshots not just flimsy chat logs, harshen their own punishments and extend them to alts in addition to mains, and just generally listen for their forums more. Create a subheading that posts can be viewed by staff that is jmod just for submitting clips/images? Gotta drag are more likely to use bonds to get some back. As for the treasure hunter thing I don't believe even a generic"oh we banned some accounts" can perform. They need number of reports, how much was tapped to buy old school rs gold, names of culprits evidence that something was done other than banning such as 3 no titles with no community presence.
