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I have a memory in my brain that is so eccentric


I have a memory in my brain that is so eccentric, I am not certain whether or not it really happened. A thousand or so years before, back in RuneScape Gold    Classic, when drop parties were held in the upstairs of the Varrock Museum, I remember a time several months before RS2 was announced, when a Jagex Mod walked up to the celebration from the opposite side of the wall (that was black back in these days), and told us about RS2 and the type of updates that were intended for this until it was made public understanding.

This memory is vivid in my mind, but I don't have any idea if it actually happened. I could well imagine some employees from that era doing that even to hype up enthusiasm for the launch. But I am afraid I did not work here myself in the time, and I don't know who it'd have been especially. Perhaps Paul Gower, even - he had been known to hang out and sometimes teleport players to dance together with the knights after RS2 launched.

Is there going to become a process for regaining accounts which we're hacked and then afterwards banned for rule violations? I loved this match and set a whole lot of effort to it but was hacked (despite needing 2 variable that was subsequently handicapped ). It is frustrating that there's not more recourse here in order to appeal this and farther, no real way that I could be sure that I won't only get hacked.

Would you not see the account was probably logged in from a different place when murdering that dumb snake than for the tens of thousands of hours I played in my home town? I've literally never killed the snake before and I hadn't even completed the essential quests to perform it but when I regained my accounts I'd the pet.can I not have a chance to try to provide evidence that my account was compromised during the time that the rule violations occurred? I put as much effort and time into this account and because of this, it just makes me sad I'm simply never going to perform again. If it's truly hopeless I understand, but I suppose I'm not the only one in this boat.

Could you guys talk about where OSRS lies in Jagex's portfolio? Target market,% of earnings, etc? I love the game itself, but I find myself fascinated with the real-world aspects of it (and how the game itself imitates the actual world economy - so trendy!). A game related question: is it feasible for me to interface my RS3 account to OSRS? I'd love to not lose years of work. I am afraid we won't talk thingsl ike financials. We are a well-supported and well-respected portion of Jagex. It's not possible I am afraid, and though it was I am not sure we would want to do it. I'd personally rather not allow RS3 XP (using their rates and actions ) to bypass the Old School Runescape Gold  grind.

