11 Things That Will Make Your Life Easier on a Road Trip

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It is important to make your road trip as comfortable as possible by bringing all the practical items you may need on the way.

A road trip is a great way to explore the country and discover great, hidden places. It's also fun to simply enjoy the ride and turn on the music while hitting the road to who knows where.

Still, every spontaneous adventure should have some aspects preplanned. A road trip can be very uncomfortable if you fail to prepare and bring necessities. Read the following recommendations that could remove any issues that can occur on this type of trip.

1. Start with Google Maps

First thing first - enter your start and final destination to get the feeling of how long the trip will last. Adjust the route and check if there are some other places along the way or in the vicinity that you would like to check out for an hour or two. So, always add a few hours more for unexpected breaks and detours. That way, you can allow yourself some spontaneity.

2. Cooler

Being on a road trip means surviving on fast food mostly. However, no reason why you can't have healthier and cheaper options that you brought from home. Get a cooler and keep it within your reach while driving - that way, you'll always have cold food and drink just an arm-reach away.

3. Car games/cards

In case you're waiting for a ferry or there's a traffic jam, no need to get frustrated inside the car. Instead, you can have fun playing cards or some simple car games (everybody except the driver, of course). That way, the delay won't bother you at all.

4. Reusable water bottle

Staying hydrated is very important on lengthy trips. A reusable water bottle can be refilled at a gas station or a restaurant, and it's going to save you some money, too.

5. Prepare the music

The music is half the fun on the road, so make sure you've downloaded your favourite artists and hit songs and don't forget the USB stick. Also, do research on the best radio stations you could listen to on the road.

6. Use regular maps

Ok, you'll have Google Maps (or perhaps even GPS) but there's something about paper maps that brings nostalgia. You can draw on it, mark your favourite stops, and have a special souvenir after the trip is over. Plus, you never know when the Wi-Fi can simply disappear, so having a paper backup is always a good idea.

7. Toilet necessities

Kleenex is a must on a road trip - in case you get sick, you can spare your car mates from having the same fate. And in case you are in the middle of nowhere and you know it's going to last - and you are in desperate need of toilet - a practical portable bidet will be your life-saver. Intimate hygiene should always be at the highest level.

8. Small portable charger

A small portable charger is incredibly handy on road trips. It will be your backup battery in case you can't recharge your mobile for miles or you want to explore the wilderness for a few hours. That way, you'll never run out of batteries at an inconvenient time.

9. Useful apps

Before you go, make sure you fill your smartphone with useful apps. there are great top travel apps that could make your road trip even more fun and adventurous. If you're passing through a town, why not visit the local bar or BB that has great reviews online?

10. Travel trash can

Trash can quickly pile up inside a car after only a few hours of drive. Empty snack containers, park maps you got on the road and receipts will soon make a mess inside your vehicle. Travel trash cans are practical because they collapse so they don't need much space.

11. Sunglasses

This may seem ridiculous, but you wouldn't believe how many drivers hit the road without remembering to bring their sunglasses. It can be really hard and frustrating to drive for hours under the bright sun or glaring snow. Plus, some sunglasses even sharpen your view and make it more comfortable for the eyes to focus. Your eyes are your tools for safe driving, so make sure you have at least two pairs with you before the trip.

Final words

A road trip is a unique way of experiencing new places. However, it can also be a dangerous way of travelling if you don't take precautions. Also, it's important to make it as comfortable as possible by bringing all the practical items you may need on the way.
