Path of Exile is a new seven-act storyline that is attainable

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Path of Exile is a new seven-act storyline that is attainable

There's aswell been a "rework of the mechanics of anniversary of the game's seven appearance classes" and a "major beheld rework with physics-based rendering", such as arrows bouncing or afraid to surfaces "depending on what they're fabricated of".

If you're new to the Path of Exile universe, it adeptness absorption you to apperceive we recommended the aboriginal bold in our 10 amateur like Borderlands to boodle and shoot in round-up. It aswell landed at #6 on our admission of POE Items the best chargeless amateur list, too.

As appear by our pals at PC Gamer, the acknowledge was fabricated at ExileCon in Auckland, New Zealand beforehand today. But admitting that actual big "2" sitting afterwards the game's name, however, Path of Exile 2 isn't a new bold as abundant as it is an expansion, but it brings a bulk of changes and improvements to the abject game, including changes to the Acquiescent Accomplishment Timberline and an check of abounding of the game's bulk systems.

"Path of Exile 2 is a new seven-act storyline that is attainable alongside the aboriginal Path of Exile 1 campaign," the developer explains. "Both the old and new storyline advance to the aforementioned aggregate Atlas endgame. Path of Exile 2 retains all amplification agreeable that has been created over the endure six years and introduces a new accomplishment system, advantage classes, engine improvements and more."
