Phantasy Star Online 2 Meseta doesn't get neglected

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I expect you are right and Phantasy Star Online 2 Meseta doesn't get neglected

PSU had great success over in Japan. We obtained our articles 6 months on average behind themfor the first little bit and then they stopped caring about the west. I expect you are right and Phantasy Star Online 2 Meseta doesn't get neglected. I simply don't want to get a second subscription. Getting $10'd a month to death.I imply, dismissing the lolicon ad and when I made my very own personal team with buddies in the JP host, my friends and I who are sensitive to this stuff, had no issue. Things like the character creation actually allows you to get creative that action MMOs really don't allow varied characters.

But, I really don't know the community in server would be. So I guess that's 1 thing I would worry about also in the official English version, should they'd handle matters such as harassment or vulgarity. X_x I probably would still main the Japanese server since I never really see Japanese gamers being openly sexist or hateful.

That is correct, this is a SEGA attempt. Concerning hosting servers, Microsoft has as much participation since Amazon does hosting Fortnite's servers... which is to mean Microsoft has the host platform (think of it like renting servers for hosting a website) but everything else is down to SEGA (based on some Japanese meeting, utilizing MS Azure was even a SEGA choice ). That said though, that same interview I brought up also stated that SEGA would be reaching out to Microsoft about how to manage a match for a Western audience.

It's the effort for sure of SEGA. I know they took this long but I believe they were planning for this before the time which is now. The PSO2 Meseta for sale at this time is the iteration. Phantasy Star Online 2 went through numerous changes it's almost completely different than the base game. Class balance and the way they were performed were dreadful until recently. Which is probably the main reason why SEA servers failed horribly because they started in episode 1.
