Madden modders: If it’s not ‘in the game,’ it is now

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After a difficult season, the Pittsburgh Steelers won the second overall pick in the NFL Draft, which is reserved for young and talented players. In the urgent need for new talent, they have a fixed position to stabilize their lineup, that is Ben Rosliberg, he is a super star quarterback. The second pick can improve their defense and expand the strength of the receiver.

They finally chose to perform QB later in the first round. NFL crazy fan and Madden football player Justin West said he recalled the simulated season of Madden 20 franchise model. After that season, they cut him ... We completely lost our smile.

EA's best-selling NFL TV series showed unstable AI logic, which prompted West and other frustrated fans like him to put things into their own hands. West is one of a group of modifiers who visited and changed the game code to adjust the simulation to their liking. MUT Coins are convenient for us to adjust ourselves freely in the game to achieve the best state! Finding the familiar motto of EA ("If in the game, in the game") is far from what they hoped for, so the modifiers improved the draft And trading AI behavior, and adjusted the AI ​​in the game with emphasis on things such as fatigue and transmission obstacles to dilute what they think of the arcade element of the game and better reflect the true NFL.

For example, the general manager of Pittsburgh Steelers deceived himself on draft day. It uses the franchise model to adjust the logic of the computer, thereby improving the ability of novice AI drafters to conduct transactions. This is one of many projects that try to add depth and realism to Madden's franchise model. Some players still think that there are too many restrictions in the default customization options. The demand for playing games is to play freely. Buy MUT Coins has also become the choice of more and more players on GameMS. This sense of experience has not only improved a little.

I hope it gives me more freedom to do what I want to do, professional madman Kevin ·Daikin Johnson said. If they want to gain more diversity, they must open it up rather than strictly restrict it.
