Seven Steps for Corrective and Preventive Actions to support Continual Improvement in ISO 9001 Certification

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ISO 9001 Services in Saudi Arabia there is a huge difference between the two words 'correction' and 'corrective action.' Basically, correction means fixing of a problem immediately when it arises.

There are many companies which face problems in implementing corrective and implementing actions.

Correction vs. corrective action in ISO 9001

ISO 9001 in Saudi Arabia there is a huge difference between the two words 'correction' and 'corrective action.' Basically, correction means fixing of a problem immediately when it arises. And, corrective action implies affixing of the problem along with finding the actual underlying cause of the problem.

So, altogether it's just that every problem has to be corrected which calls for a corrective action in turn. Also, if the problem occurs once, the process of corrective action can be too expensive. But, if the problem occurs several times then, the process of corrective action will save money in the long run.

Process for ISO corrective action. 

  • Define the problem.
  • Define the scope.
  • Containment actions.
  • Find the root cause.
  • Plan a corrective action.
  • Implement the corrective action.
  • Follow up to make sure the plan worked.

ISO 9001 Consultants Cost in Bangalore is one more thing to remember is that, corrective actions are used for a problem which has occured for more than once. A corrective action helps in problem solving but a preventive action helps in avoidance of a  problem by recognising its chance of occurence before hand.

Corrective and Preventive Actions,  the best way to save money?

It does seem quite obvious that saving money is the biggest  goal of every existing company or organisation but yet, the actions  taken up by the company has a bigger role to play compared to any other undertakings. So, wise and effective use of actions are the key to saving money by improvements and improvement is the best for any organisation.

Certvalue is one of the leading ISO 9001 Consultants Cost  in India to providing quality management system standards to all organizations. We are one of the well recognized firm with experts in every industry sector to implement the standard with 100% track record of success.

Our advice, Go for it

If you’re looking ISO 9001 Certification in India You can write us at [email protected] or visit our official website at we are ISO Certification Consultant Companies in Saudi Arabia, Australia, Malaysia,  Oman, Qatar, Afghanistan, and India. Certvalue and provide your contact details so that one of our certification expert shall contact you at the earliest to understand your requirements better and provide best available service at market.

