I load NBA 2K occasionally begin mycareer

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I concur. I played with someone who everytime he got the ball, would chuck up a full-court/halfcourt shot. Wish 2K would employ a vote-to-kick system or only have better algorithms to comprehend shit like that. Maybe make it a D then they could get 2K MT kicked. Occasionally a fantastic player receives a C- however, he is trash just a few things happened. I would say allow the D get kicked before halftime however, you don't have to wait long. Hey perhaps this leads to pressure to play good so you do not get a D. Better than present circumstance.

Anybody else officially despise 2K but love basketball a lot to not perform it?

Me right now, I load NBA 2K occasionally begin mycareer and before it even gets to the my profession screen I change my thoughts and closed NBA 2K away lmao.EA perfected the 50 quid roster upgrade. A mycareeer instance. I play with LB and created an LB. I read come and run towards the line, a lineman starts obstructing me, how can I shed? What move? Does not matter, you move the right stick and it does sod all, what is the point? That's why I want 2K could take a crack at least make EA work for it.

If Madden had competition they'd have to improve. I know 2K is starting to feel like the exact same game each year but it seems just like Madden shells. All of this would not be an issue if they released a game that is new every 2 decades or so and just upgrade it with and rosters for those two years. But they would never do that cause they know we're currently gon na purchase it.

It was basically a tech demo. Like don't get my wrong I loved the shit and played dozens and with dozens of hours but there was nothing. Franchise was dumb, and tackle alley was only a distraction, playbooks were little, blocking was very very very underdeveloped and not much of anything. When that game started it passing and was broken was a tragedy. When I found out they had been operating on backbreaker 2 for a decade I would pay my stimulus check.

That's exactly what I believed about madden to Buy 2K20 MT and I discovered 2K was exactly the same but I caved and got 2K20. Best decision in some time. 2K is miles ahead of madden and even though it took a few weeks to learn, I haven't touched madden since, I dont like saying this cause I understand it is a sixty dollar match and there are expectations that lots of you guys who played multiple years consuming, however boy are yall spoiled than the madden. That game is absolute garbage and enjoying 2K made me realize that much more.
