Overcoming the exam fear

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Exam fear is probably one of the most commonly discussed issue in the present generation. This is even more serious when it comes to those who appear for board exams –decider. Very often people tend to say that their kids are averse when they ask about their grades or examination related

Exam fear is probably one of the most commonly discussed issue in the present generation. This is even more serious when it comes to those who appear for board exams –decider. Very often people tend to say that their kids are averse when they ask about their grades or examination related concerns. Such behaviors are natural and expected because of the pressure that they carry out of in-depth syllabus along with unrealistic expectation by the parents. On the overall personality development, generalized fear and anxiety pose a great threat. However, in majority of the cases, what`s more interesting is, fear is a learnt behavior rather than an innate one. Causes of exam fear are interlinked with, any factors within and outside the child`s environment and family.


  1. Underlying personality and familial tendency of fear is one of the major factor for exam fear. Children born in the families that has a history of same conditions among the parents, siblings and grandparents has a lot of influence on the causation of fear.
  2. Poor academic performance is the most striking reason that most of the parents and the students express. Poor the learning and academic performer, greater he exam fear.
  3. Presence of other psychiatric issues, such as depression, learning difficulties, poor coping against the stress, nervous tendency, attention deficit, behavioral disorders and many other psychiatric illnesses are closely linked with the exam fear.
  4. Poor preparation throughout their academic year is one of the major threat that cause exam fear. Most of the children do this mistake of cramming (studying too much when the exams are approaching) which is one of the factor that mount pressure on the individual balance.
  5. Lack of interest in the learning as a result of inappropriate choice of course of study. In other words, many parents admit their children against their strengths by knowingly. In such scenario ,students feel averse about their studies making their way towards their exams even more complicated.
  6. Poor growth and development of children lead to poor brain development which in turn make the learning difficult. Such children tend to face a serious issue while attenf0ding their exams.


  1. Too much of workload and poor psychological support from teaching staff making the situation very difficult among the students attending the board exams.

Tips to manage exam fear

  1. Confidence is the key to success, no matter how well you have prepared or from how long you are preparing, without confidence and positive intent, things can go wrong.
  2. Preparation is definitely the most important of all. Better you are prepared , lessen the chances of exam
  3. Stop comparing yourself with other students. This makes the condition even more badly. Each individual vary in their learning capacity, abilities to understand and write exams.
  4. Take good care of health because poor health make you even more afraid of
  5. Work smarter rather than work harder
  6. It is always important to plan things and schedule the studies in such a way that, the whole academic year is being evenly scheduled. This makes things simple and more organized.
  7. Use the time wisely throughout the academic year as well as during exam preparation and most importantly during the exam.
  8. Never worry about the things that you couldn’t able to understand despite attempting many times to study. If possible seek teacher`s ad friend’s advice to look for solutions to the difficult portions or just keep moving.
  9. Start revising early because this will give you scope for rectifying your own strengths and weaknesses in advance so that a remedy can be found for those areas you are very weak at
  10. Have a clear-cut , well defined targets , strategies and methodologies to study each individual; chapter . This makes things better instead of being puzzled .
  11. As a student, you are well aware of the subjects that you need to work more on. It’s not by the grades but by the length of material or depth of the contents that you need to know about. To prepare for it, you need to create your own timetable for all the 7 days of the week. The timetable should be realistic that you abide by it.
  12. Keep looking at those chapters you have finished long back because reciting makes you more connected with each chapter as you move forward.
  13. Never ever neglect your body and mind. It is important to listen to your body and mind because unless you listen to them , they won’t follow your will.
  14. Practice multiple preparatory tests and exams in the supervision of a teacher or an evaluator. The more you practice, the better you perform and greater the chances of fearlessness.
  15. Practice writing legibly. Because this will boost your self-confidence as well as writing good gives a good impression in the mind of evaluator.
  16. Use a standardized writing format acceptable by the evaluators. Some of the points you need to remember are, use of highlighting the written content, proper use of vocabulary, grammar, headings and subheadings, use of illustrative writing, using many examples to explain the concept, practice of flow charts and many more.
  17. Eat well and sleep well on the day before exam. Relaxed mind is always a good way to face the exams.
  18. Practice past papers , this is very important because in general, most of the important questions could come from the previous year papers.
  19. Mediate regularly. Yoga, exercise and deep breathing techniques keep your mind relaxed that result in a better performance.


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