Trends in modern day`s teaching-learning

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This article presents the mix of old and traditional trends that boost the interaction between the students and teachers. I have explained 6-7 methods with a brief description

Education has undergone a series of evolutionary changes starting from the naturalism till the present day`s digital education. However, the basic principle remains the same. I, e to ensure the effective interaction between the source (teacher) and the receiver (learner). As the education is a complex affair as it involves different walks of life, varied experience levels of teachers and learners, it is important to find some ways that makes things easy and unique for both teachers and students. This article is to update the current happening s around the world in regard to the teaching methods apart from traditional class room learning that is based on chalk-talk method. Let us dive deep into some of the psychological approaches of teaching-learning strategies.


Ability Grouping

Though it takes some time and effort, it is one of the methods that brings in a comfort zone for the kids especially who are a bit laggards. Ability grouping is a method that works on the systematic or tracking, and pairing of a group of students together based on their abilities rather than any other criteria. This can help in managing the gap between the different students as none of them feel inferior because of the poor performances. Though it is difficult to implement this method in the higher grades, it suits well for early childhood education.


Block system

This is a bit similar to hybrid learning or blended approach involving the division of theory and practical sessions. In a block system, the whole series of teaching sessions are paced with both theory and hand on experience. Block system is further divided into 2 methods; partial block and complete block. Partial blocking is when a single day is divided into 2 blocks in which the first half of the block is allotted to theory and the other for practical .For example in some medical programs, first half of the day  students spend time in the class room and the rest half is used for clinical visits. In a complete block system, the whole academic year is channeled into 2 or more blocks with few blocks for theory and the remaining for practical experience.


Blended Learning

This is a whole new approach used as the combination of online educational methods with traditional in-person practices. This may seem to be difficult to assign as what suits best for an individual student. is difficult to determine. Blended method combines a teacher’s presence with a student’s responsibility to take control of their own time to learn. However, these days parents seem to be averse towards online education as it is not very effective like a traditional learning approach. Furthermore, online approach seems to exert limited control over the student behavior when compared to traditional approach.






Role reversal approach

This is a very simple and straightforward approach where the fundamental roles of students and the teacher are interchanged for a shorter duration. In other words, student turns out to be a real teacher facing the whole audience while the teacher becomes a passive listener nevertheless, the teacher may pass on the feedback of the individual session at the end of the session. This is very effective method as it help in training a student into the future and also to instill some seriousness in the student body.


Class Sizing

As a growing problem, there is a shortage of teacher’s however on the other hand in some areas the number of instructors are overflown. This has given room for a scientific distribution pattern that allows sizing the classrooms into  an ideal 10-20 students as this can provide a great opportunity for a teacher to involve with every student.


Computer Literacy

Though it is not new to the world, the growing reliance on technology and computers is making the process somewhat easy. However, remote areas are still in trouble as they have lesser chances of access to the internet and sophisticated computer devices. Computer literacy within the classroom affects a student’s present learning and future capabilities.



This is one of the traditional method originated from the idea that students yield better results when they are acknowledged and respected as they progress through tasks. The same is applicable for child care in the family environments where a mother rewards her kid for the good behavior and criticizing the bad behaviors.


Home Schooling or private tutoring

This is probably the best method as it allows a great communication with direct between the individual students with the teacher. In most of the cases, a teacher visits the student`s place to conduct classes, however , the drawback is that the teacher may not be able to completely facilitate with the sophisticated teaching-learning aids as we can see in the case of traditional schools.


Teacher rewarding or Merit Pay

It is still in debate in many countries on to whether the teachers are to be paid based on their performance or should every teacher receive a standard salary irrespective of workload .There has been a lot of controversy against merit pay and how to record the effectiveness of a teacher’s work. Therefore, the research topic of merit pay is timely and important.

 In a nutshell, what works best for a student or a group of students need to be experimented quickly and the sane must be implemented. It is also important to think of the factors such as convenience and economy of the system as every parent cannot afford to a costly system.

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