Artificial intelligence in education

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Artificial intelligence takes its driver`s seat when in it comes to educational technology. This is an article briefing the role of artificial intelligence in present-day`s education

Artificial intelligence is the use of machine language to enable modern learning a successful and easy. With the increasing demand for personal tutors where an individual student is being allotted to an individual teacher, the acute shortage of teachers has emerged from the past 5 years.  According to the statistics given by the Human Resource and Development (HRD) Ministry of India in 2016, at least there was a short fall of 1 million teachers across the country. Furthermore, Universities and Colleges are facing difficulty while managing the student-teacher ratio. But what makes us happy is a replacement that can handle the shortage. With the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning, there something to cheer about our system.  It is expected that artificial intelligence in Indian education will grow by 32% for the coming 3 years. Many education experts opine that our system needs a revolutionary technological intervention that would make it more inclusive and accessible, economical and easy to operate. Bringing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the classrooms sounds good but it takes some more efforts to properly synchronizing with the needs of the students. Artificial intelligence in education has been in use since 1980s. In many ways, education and AI are inseparable as we are gradually reducing the human element while increasing the role of technology in our learning management systems (LMS). We use traditional education as a means to develop minds capable of leveraging the knowledge pool, while AI provides the required tools for developing a more accurate and detailed picture of how the human mind works.

How can AI help?

Artificial intelligence can boost the system by bringing in many shortcuts to learn the most complex mathematical formulae and scientific algorithms in an easy to learn way.  AI helps to implement an automated one click method to teach kids in the class room so that the excess of burden on the teaching staff can be eliminated. However, not to forget, the human element is the core of all. AI can help in implementing smart Content, ITS (intelligent teaching system) and the provision of Virtual Facilitators and Learning Environments. Smart Content is a contribution from the modern educational technology to condense text books into useful tools to address the most important topics that help in the exam preparation. Intelligent Tutoring Systems is a process involving, adaptation of personalized electronic tutoring customized to the learning styles and preferences of present generation of students. Virtual Facilitators and Learning Environments guides and facilitates the variety of educational and therapeutic environments.


Benefits of AI and machine learning

  1. Automation of system can reduce firm`s costs: Almost every sectors including e-commerce, education, marketing, healthcare etc , have started implementing the AI as many companies are now investing in developing their own version of AI and Machine learning that can substantially reduce employee costs. Some of the best examples are ‘Cortana’ by Windows, ‘Siri’ by Apple and ‘Alexa’ by Amazon as these  are voice recognition systems able to imitate human intelligence.
  2. With the help of AI, a personalized learning system can be built . This can ensure teaching at a varied pace as per the intellectual capacity of kids. These day , we find many students lack individual attention as it is highly impossible to facilitate an individual teacher for every student. To fill this gap AI can introduce an automated system of learning that goes according to the pace of student.
  3. AI can help tutors in many ways: As we all are aware of our system as teachers have to handle multiple responsibilities including evaluation, grading, paper setting, scrutinizing the results , creating mark sheets and tracking the performance all the students. This can consume quite a lot of time therefore Ai can take the burden of the teachers away allotting these auxiliary activities to technology. With AI systems in place, it will be easier for teachers to focus on students rather than mundane administrative tasks.
  4. AI-powered learning system makes classrooms accessible to all, including those students living remotely in another part of the world as this is automated and digital based.
  5. Most catchy and highly engaged sessions are made possible by AI : Modern technologies such as  VR and gamification help to involve students closely with  the education process, making it more interested, interactive and not laborious.
  6. Flexibility in terms of timings: As an automated system, access becomes 24/7 anytime as the student demands. Student can engage himself only when he feels relaxed and prepared which is not possible in the traditional human-based education.
  7. Ai can furnish tutoring and support outside the classroom: Students can access to a system that is portable, flexible, timely and most importantly repeated for N-number of times.

In a nutshell, the growing experiments about educational technology are boosting the system by filling them gaps existing however, costs need to be worked out so that everyone can access the system at a lesser cost.AI and machine learning is increasingly being used in many areas of higher education however more exploration is required tom trace out whether it completely fits the young kids. 

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