It is actually not as bad as the mt nba 2k20

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It is actually not as bad as the mt nba 2k20 community makes it out to be, but once I miss a wide open layup due to that stupid intimidator badge that still hasn't been nerfed it really makes me hate NBA 2K20.

It is actually not as bad as the mt nba 2k20 community makes it out to be, but once I miss a wide open layup due to that stupid intimidator badge that still hasn't been nerfed it really makes me hate NBA 2K20. I've made facilities miss because of having it on hall of 16, as a guard. That badge is the reason article scoring is indeed broken also. Also steals are nonexistent steals I get are.

I've ideal timing while they're dribbling in my head, pickpocket and you are only warped through by the ball. Hop steps are unrealistic, a guard isn't traveling giannis space with one jump measure, passing lane steals, broken MT cards and completely garbage servers. You also have it lag every 30 seconds and can not have a match really so much on timing, this isn't my link. Ping is from the single digits in all of my games.

The jump step needs a massive nerf next year, intimidator is broken, so you do not even need to put hands up to get a shot to miss, and imo, manages for times is op. It enables such as we're playing with 2k15 these idiots to dribble back and forth on the perimeter. Nobody at the nba and that way play. Even James Harden doesn't and it's not like they are attempting to replicate him.Issa video game at the end of the day.

Intimidator is op and handles for buy mt nba 2k21 days allows u learn to live without RT on shield... doesnt make NBA 2K20 crap tho. U say u dont have to put ur hands up to get a shot to overlook, then green the shooter, feel like thats just more ability based.I watch your other points but I was not speaking about missed jump shots, I was talking about interior shots. You will brick start layups and dunks. If you're able to green limitless range threes at will that is a shot, why can not we hit an open lay up?
